Since her experience with the IE-NLBWA Leadership & Entrepreneur program, she has co-founded two other businesses. EMPOWER ME NOW LLC, a leadership motivational training center that focuses on offering training to develop professionals and leaders at the same time maintaining compliance and Just like Grandma’s house day care LLC a daycare in low income communities for low income working parents. In 2017, #LatinaGeeks designed the “Latinas Learn to Code” program to help bridge the gender gap in the tech programming industry by providing an introduction to the foundations of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — the three building blocks of the web. The workshops have expanded to additional technical skills workshops like cloud computing, digital marketing, data analytics and more.

We expect the number of cases to increase over time because the population of the U.S. increases over time . To know whether or not breast cancer rates are changing over time, you have to compare rates, rather than the number of new cases. Different breast cancer mortality trends may have been seen in some groups of women. From , breast cancer mortality decreased by 40 percent due to improved breast cancer treatment and early detection .

The Hispanic population tends to be younger and earlier in their careers, and there is a “disproportionate representation” of Latinas in service jobs, which tend to be low paying. Working with Nueva Vida and the Capital Breast Care Center, trusted community partners of patient navigators, the women who watched the film were then directed to free genetic counseling services in Washington, DC, for women at high risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Research shows that they’re paid 47 percent less than white men and 31 percent less than white women on average. Latina Equal Pay Day, observed on Nov. 20th this year, is meant to put that gap on display. The NWP organizers who came to New Mexico recognized the importance of working with Spanish-speaking women, whose communities held a great deal of political power.

By now, we’ve all heard about the low numbers of American women in science, technology, engineering, and math . Some argue it’s a pipeline issue – that if we can interest more young girls in STEM subjects, the issue will resolve itself over time. After all, the percentage of women in computer science has actually decreased since 1991.

They also knew that without their help, suffrage could not be successful in their state. In our analysis of all US births from 2009 to 2017, we found a significant upward level shift in the number of preterm births among US Latina women that coincided with the 2016 US presidential election. This result appeared most pronounced for infants conceived or in their second trimester of gestation near the time of the election. We found this evidence despite our conservative analytic approach, which controlled for potential concurrent but unrelated trends that might affect preterm birth. In other words, we observed an increase in Latina preterm births over and above levels expected from preterm birth in the general population.

About Breast Cancer

Unfortunately, Hispanic women are subject to adouble pay gap—an ethnic pay gap and a gender pay gap. And, this pay gap widened over previous year when it “only” took until November 1 for Hispanic women catch up to non-Hispanic men. Black and who continue to work often have jobs that put them at high risk of contracting COVID-19, such as nursing assistants, home health aides, grocery store clerks, and child care providers for essential workers. For example, nearly one-third of nursing assistants and home health aides are Black women, according to an analysis by the Center for American Progress.

They listened to leaders like Aurora Lucero, daughter of the first secretary of state and a well-known author and advocate of bilingualism, and educator Nina Otero-Warren, who told them that the suffrage campaign also needed to address Spanish-speaking women. They insisted that the campaign include bilingual publications and speeches, often helping with the translations. Hispanic suffragists were proud advocates of their language and culture.

They participated in conceptualizing the study aims, adapting the HIV intervention materials, and developing assessment measures and recruitment strategies. The outreach workers were involved in identifying and selecting recruitment sites, conceptualizing recruitment strategies, developing culturally appropriate and appealing recruitment materials , and disseminating recruitment materials. That gap is greater than for black women, who earn 39% less than white men, according to an analysis of U.S.

Since Hispanic women continue to be over-represented in low-wage jobs, policies that lift wages at the bottom will have a significant impact on their wages. An increase of the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 would affect nearly one in three Latina workers. The date November 20 is based on the finding that Hispanic women workers are paid53 centson the white non-Hispanic male dollar, using the 2017 March Current Population Survey for median annual earnings for full-time, year-round workers. We get similar results when we look at averagehourlywages for all workers (not just full-time workers) using the monthly Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group for 2018—which show Hispanic women workers being paid 56 cents on the white male dollar.

According to some estimates, Latinas earnjust 55 centsfor every dollar earned by non-Hispanic white men. Furthermore, the share of Latina women earning at or below minimum wage is actually increasing, tripling from 2007 to 2012, and contributing to an overall poverty rate of 27.9% —close to three timesthat of non-Latina white women.

The largest explained causes of the white-men-to-Hispanic-women gap include the segregation of Hispanic women into lower-paying occupations and lower-paying industries and the disparity in access to education and skills training for many Hispanic women . ACNN studyconducted the same year, however, found that 53% of Latinas get pregnant in their teens, about twice the national average. This number, while not reflecting the hypersexuality of Latina teens, can be attributed to intersecting social issues of gender, race, class, immigrant status and education. Although feminists regularly cite the gender wage gap as a scourge holding back women in the workplace, in fact for Latinas, the gap is much worse.

She used those connections in her fight for suffrage and also played a key role in ensuring that the state legislature ratified the 19th Amendment in February 1920. Although it had seemed like certain victory, there was a last-minute difficulty with wavering legislators. Otero-Warren fiercely lobbied, using her new position as chair of the GOP state women’s committee to caucus with legislators and discipline their votes.

Historically, job losses in recessions, including the Great Recession, have centered around goods-producing sectors, such as manufacturing and construction, in which men have a greater presence. Before developing the AMIGAS adaptation, we conducted 3 focus groups with ethnically and culturally diverse Latina women to explore the factors that increased their HIV risks. We collected ethnographic data on their beliefs related to gender and social norms and sexual communication, as well as their knowledge and misconceptions concerning HIV.

Queen Bee, Sisterhood For Women Of Color

In 1995, fourteen Latina professionals, community and business leaders founded the 100 Hispanic Women National, Inc. They envisioned a non-profit organization dedicated to guiding Latinas towards excellence in leadership by fostering educational enrichment and creating opportunities to promote our personal and professional advancement.