Stunning ukrainian women

Last week into the Kiev operetta, we find the winner of this competition “KRASNA KRAЇNI 2019?, that may express Ukraine when you look at the worldwide arena of Mrs WORLD 2019 in China.

Fifteen super-finalists of this competition fought when it comes to success. They ready with this in several stages: the girls passed 45 days day. THE MARATHON OF BEAUTY and organized the charity auction “Overcome the Cancer Together”, where funds had been gathered for buying gear into the intensive care device for the National Scientific Center of Radiation Medicine.

In accordance with the link between online voting and points regarding the star jury, which included: • Olga Sumskaya – People’s Artist of Ukraine, • Vladimir Grishko – People’s Artist of Ukraine, • Roman Mucha, basic producer of M2 channel, • Raytsin Arkady – CEO of guy for the 12 months, • Elena Yushchenko – President associated with Mom’s Heart Charitable Foundation, • Oksana Kononets – the winner of this competition “Beauty without restrictions – 2016” • Anna Shchapova – champion of Mrs WORLD 2012, • Elena Bernatskaya – famous Ukrainian designer, • Irina Rybachuk – interior designer, • Inelly Brul – designer jewelry, • Olga Guseva – general producer of Fashion television, • Gerhard Frese – founder regarding the information task, • Marina Kinakh – Honored Journalist of Ukraine, • Victoria Yuligina – founder and CEO of 5staresxpo,

the winner had been Elena Zhaglovskaya from Vinnitsa. Aside from the possibility to represent Ukraine on “Mrs WORLD 2019?, the champion received a vacation to European countries through the business “Chariot of Travel”.

The next and places that are third taken by Elena Akimova from Kiev and Marina Starovyrets from Cherkasy. And, behold, Elena Gritzinger from Kiev became the people’s option for online voting. Girls admitted that their method within the task had not been effortless, on the catwalk for the first time, showing images from Ukrainian designers because they were not professional models, and some of them tried themselves. In specific, contemporary Ukrainian ethno from Irina and Olga Rybachuk, Kati brand name and unique brooches from Regina Verbitskaya.

The activity system had been no less intense, for the participants and visitors were: X-Factor champion Dmitry Babak, people’s musician Vladimir Grishko and Nadezhda Meikher, who became the host associated with the occasion along side Bogdan Triba. Nevertheless the party that is real in the aterparty within the club regarding the TAO, where in actuality the girls may have enjoyable in a friendly setting and party to your rhythms for the KOLA, Yana Brilitskaya and also the duet Edgar and Emma.

“We produced beauty that is new format, in which the participants had been selected by popular vote, without the limitations. And also the goal that is main of task had been the mission“ MAKE GOOD TOGETHER. ” construction business Grandis Trade LTD, basic radio partner ENERGY FM and DJ FM, exclusive gloss magazine “Ukrainian People”, formal news partner television channel “Fashion TV”.