Yet women, and particularly women of color, continue to be underrepresented at every level. Learn more by reading the largest study of the state of women in corporate America.

Providers may also deliver interventions that they have developed on their own or with research partners.37 Ours was the first successful efficacy trial of a systematic linguistic and cultural adaptation of an evidence-based intervention for use with a diverse Latina population. The Latina health educators implemented the AMIGAS curriculum with remarkable fidelity. Of all the activities outlined in the curriculum, 98% were independently rated as having been correctly implemented. The participants also gave health educators superior ratings for the manner in which they delivered the curriculum. To assess the efficacy of AMIGAS, we surveyed participants at baseline and at 3- and 6-month postintervention follow-ups.

Protesters Gather In La Mesa To Demand Justice For Women Of Color

Bilingual navigators can improve communication between the surgeon and the oncologist and the woman , which helps reduce a woman’s level of anxiety. These differences have a major impact on a woman’s treatment options, side effects of treatment, and prognosis. It isn’t quite clear why breast cancer in Hispanic/Latino women is more aggressive, and hopefully, further studies will clarify the best treatments for these types of cancers. Hispanic/Latina women are more likely to develop breast cancer before menopause.

Error bars indicate 95% CIs calculated as the estimate plus or minus the product of 1.96 and the estimate’s SE. From , Hispanic children were 1.8 times more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic white children.

The first 13 months of the expected values for male births and first 12 months for female births were lost to modeling. In 2017, Hispanic high school students were 50 percent more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic white youth.

Among Hispanic American women, 78.8 percent are overweight or obese, as compared to 64 percent of non-Hispanic white women. Since Hispanic women continue to be over-represented in low-wage jobs, policies that lift wages at the bottom will have a significant impact on their wages. An increase of the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 would affect nearly one in three Latina workers.

During this time, more single women and more families began to migrate along with the working males who had already been migrating for several decades. This difference in gender migration is largely attributed to the difference in Latino and Latina work opportunities in the United States. Prior to the 1970s, the majority of the Latino migratory work was agriculturally based. However, with the end of the Bracero program, the United States policy on migration within the hemisphere shifted from encouraging primarily working males to migrate.

Only 3 percent of Latina women are represented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or STEM, fields, while women in total make up 24 percent of the STEM workforce. Latinas are 17 times more likely to die from diabetes than non-Hispanic white women.

Please be more thorough before jumping to conclusions or making accusations when read through content. This is a gross article that reduces Latina women and people to stereotypes. I feel sorry for any Latina who would date you- you clearly don’t even see them as full human beings. She’s used to being taken care of, and she’s used to taking care of people.

From the end of 2007 to the end of 2009, U.S. employment fell by 8.0 million, or 5%. In addition, the impact of the COVID-19 recession on several groups of workers varies notably from their experiences in the Great Recession, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

The research shows that Latinas are paid less than white men despite their experience, education level, or where they live. Gil is involved in Telemundo’s Unstoppable Women campaign (“Mujeres Imparables”), a company-wide initiative to celebrate and promote the advancement of Latina women in the workplace.

In post-mammography surveys, those receiving individual and group education sessions reported similar rates of satisfaction with care, which were higher than those reported by patients who did not have access to the promotora. “I have actually heard people discuss Hispanic people as being lazy,” said a Latina in anatomy, in a stereotype that came up again and again in our interviews. And Asian-American women reported that people frequently assumed they were foreigners.

“We learned a lot from these women, mostly that there are several barriers to counseling, and that overall awareness of being at-risk is low,” said Hurtado de Mendoza. We work closely with other service providers and government agencies, and other non-profit organizations to ensure that we provide the most that we can for the community. Check out our education page for more about our values on education and what we do.

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