Eleven films about this has become 36 months since Euromaidan won.

Screenshot from « the wintertime that changed us » by Babylon’13 and 1+1

3 months of protests in Ukraine’s money that were only available in November 2013 as an opposition to then President Yanukovych’s refusal to signal the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement finished in a massacre of over 100 activists by federal government snipers, therefore the effective ousting of a corrupt kleptocratic regime. Dubbed “The Revolution of Dignity, ” the uprising that is public Yanukovych fleeing to Russia additionally the establishment of an innovative new, western-oriented federal federal government, and ended up being followed closely by Russia’s covert intrusion of Crimea and Donbas.

As Ukraine’s challenge for independence, external and internal, is ongoing, remember the dedication, hopes, and fantasies which drove the Euromaidan protesters to withstand sniper fire and the assaults associated with the riot police supported by a kleptocratic and authoritarian regime, on the small island of freedom in the exact middle of Kyiv. Right Here a selection is offered by us of videos about Euromaidan which you are able to watch on line.

1. Heaven’s Hundred

“Heaven’s Hundred” could be the very first movie through the variety of documentaries “The wintertime that changed us, ” a film task of Babylon’13 and production that is 1+1. The term “Heaven’s Hundred” showed up right after the worst combat on Independence Square and identifies the 107 protesters killed through the clashes, many having been shot by federal federal government snipers. “Hundred” may be the English interpretation of “Sotnia, ” a classic Kozak term determining a army unit that approximately numbered one hundred. The Euromaidan motion ended up being arranged into numerous Sotnias: to begin with, the Self-Defense Sotnias, but additionally a creative art Sotnia, on a clean Sotnia, a Women’s Sotnia etc. The Heaven’s Hundred, or Heaven’s Sotnia, consists of dozens of social people who died for freedom during Euromaidan. The film shows just how it just happened that in only 3 days almost 100 individuals were killed in downtown Kyiv. Available with English, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish subtitles, that have been translated on) by us, Euromaidan Press, like the rest of the films in the series (you need to turn them.


2. The Very First Death

The 2nd movie from the group of documentaries “Winter that changed us. ” This is actually the whole story of the whom passed away for freedom as well as for their particular state. January this time the story focuses on Serhiy Nihoyan, the Armenian who was killed in the center of the Ukraine’s capital in late.

3. Hrushevskyi Cocktails

The 3rd movie regarding the series “The cold weather that changed us” is known as “Hrushevskyi Cocktails. ” The title comes as a variation of Molotov Cocktails. These were the protesters’ many powerful tools against armed Berkut forces on Hrushevskyi road in Kyiv. After pupils had been beaten at the extremely begin of Euromaidan and lots of thousands arrived on the scene with their protection in Kyiv, few could that is amazing the us government would turn to physical violence once again. Nevertheless, the federal government ignoring thousands and thousands of protesters from the roads and suppressing these with direct and methods that are indirect towards the look of Molotov cocktails in Kyiv’s capital. Based on rumors, the very first whom tossed a Molotov cocktail was an artist-architect, giving proof that the Revolution of dignity had been a social revolution additionally.

4. Mezhyhirya

The film’s director Yuliya Shashkov repeatedly visited Mezhyhirya while working on the film about the residence of Viktor Yanukovych. The writers for the movie draw parallels between life in luxurious Mezhyhirya and Yenakiyevo that is simple the home of Yanukovych’s dad appears in ruins,

5. Self-Defence

The directors of “Self Defence, ” the 5th movie of “The cold temperatures that changed all of us, ” shows the power of men and women to self-organize into the most challenging times. The way in which a chaotic categories of individuals on Mykhailivska ploshcha could actually transform into teams that performed the part associated with authorities is one thing that impressed and surprised many visitors of Maidan.

6. Generation Maidan: Per Year of Revolution & War

It is simple to be confused about what’s occurring in Ukraine because a great deal has occurred into the this past year and a half. To comprehend all of the events that are tumultuous’s crucial to comprehend so it’s all element of one drama. The war in Donbas can be dominating the news today, however it’s a really backlash towards the Euromaidan revolution. That’s when a brand new generation of ukrainians demanded a modification of their nation, which is why these people were happy to lose their life.

The documentary Generation Maidan, by eight-time Emmy winner Andrew Tkach, captures their tale. You can view it online for $4.50 on Vimeo right here, which will straight fund a investment assisting Ukrainian war veterans and civilians looking for prosthetics. Generation Maidan has real-time footage of the many action, through the calm protests in Kyiv that grew as a self-governing zone that is liberated towards the dogged dedication of Ukrainian protestors who withstood sniper assaults by federal government forces and emerged victorious. Find out more in regards to the film right right here; below is a trailer with chosen scenes.

7. The feminine Faces of Revolution

Another documentary created by 1+1 which informs the whole tale associated with the females of Maidan.

The blurb states: “A wife who endured within the relative type of fire along with her spouse. A lady whom fell so in love with a typical man that is young and destroyed a hero. A lady who converted into a warrior. A mom whom finished up regarding the reverse region of the barricade to her son. A mom whom raised a aware son but finished up increasing a hero. A hero of this Heaven’s Hundred… all of them seemed death within the eyes, but discovered power within on their mexicancupid own to keep residing. Maidan changed their life forever. ”

Sergei Loznitsa’s image Maidan chronicles the 3 months associated with Euromaidan revolution, from 2013 to February 2014 december. The film that is two-hour a gallery of long shots, which change slowly. The drama is made by the occasions by themselves, because of the digital camera just taking the fact. The movie shows the brand new activities in Kyiv in peaceful close-ups, without any commentary, statements or judgments that are value. The footage with traveling flags, burning barricades, and unarmed individuals speak on their own, in line with the jury’s evaluation.

This documentary won the grand award at the Nuremberg Overseas Human Rights Festival. Browse more

9. Winter on Fire

This movie, created by Russian-born director that is american Afineevsky, dropped in short supply of winning an Oscar in 2016, however presents an electrifying tale concerning the dramatic activities while they unfolded to produce history within the streets of Kyiv, providing increase up to a civil legal rights motion that effectively ousted a corrupt governmental regime. In Kyiv. Afineevsky assembled a people’s team of at least 28 cinematographers along with individuals and witnesses to chronicle the dramatic occasions because they unfolded which will make history within the roads of Kyiv, providing increase up to a civil legal rights motion that effectively ousted a corrupt governmental regime.

“Winter on Fire” premiered during the Venice Film Festival to much acclaim and has recently gotten many worldwide prizes, including a People’s Selection Award as well as 2 prestigious prizes presented by Ukraine’s president Petro Poroshenko from the anniversary of this EuroMaidan Revolution. And in addition, “Winter on Fire” can be a contender for the Oscar nomination, showing up on several critics’ short-lists of most useful documentaries of 2015. It’s readily available for streaming on Netflix, in over 130 nations. A trailer can be acquired below. Read more concerning the movie

10. All things ablaze

“This film just isn’t concerning the revolutions which changed Ukraine this cold weather. It is actually not really about this. It is advisable called an example that is universal of special variety of rebellions – ones that result in bloodshed, ” the creators talk about their film.

The film received a award at the German film festival DOK Leipzig as an “outstanding Eastern-European film. In the fall”

The description regarding the festival’s website says: “There is really a scene in the middle associated with the movie whoever size takes it towards the limitations of endurance but makes its symbolism very nearly palpable: protesters joyfully and forcefully demolish a large breasts of Lenin, using triumph pictures (not exactly yes as to what properly Lenin is due to their hatred) while a vintage Soviet character hugs their beloved colossal rock fragment and does not want to let go of until he very nearly collapses. The Maidan as a battlefield. Quelle horreur! ”

The jury stated the movie ended up being convincing, consistent and constantly in the centre of this occasions, shoulder-to-shoulder with all the characters that are main “The movie will not plan to mirror this content of this occasions, however the connection with being witness up to a battle having gone awry and closing in despair, helplessness and death. ” View it on Journeyman. Trailer is below:

11. 20 testimonies concerning the switching point of this Maidan

On 20 February 2014, probably the most bloody conflict between the riot authorities while the protesters occurred in main Kyiv, during which federal federal government snipers killed 47 activists.